Several weeks ago a friend of mine asked me to make a Confirmation cake for her son Tyler; right after she mentioned it I started to think about different cake designs(should I go with white and blue, or white and yellow and blue, or silver blue white, dots, swirls, a bow?) and after a…
Delicious and easy to make Buttercream Turkey Cookies for your Thanksgiving Table.
With my Gingerbread House guide you can successfully create beautiful gingerbread cookie decorations and gingerbread houses. Let’s get started.
Earlier this week I shared with you a Cookie Decorating tutorial on how to make Iron Man Hand Cookies. In that tutorial I used a hand cookie cutter and if you watched my video till the end, you know I promised you another one. Especially for those who don’t own a hand cookie cutter….
For years I loved this delicate pastry, memories take me back to 1980’s on our way from school, nearly every day we’d stop at the pastry shop and I’d have Slovak Veternik. Today I’m going to try to recreate this traditional Slovak Pastry. Base for this dessert is made using Pate a Choux pastry and…
I made this cake back in May, in the midts of graduation season and unfortunately it never made it to the blog. Lately I’ve had my hands full, I had my parents here, visiting from Europe for 3 weeks, our garden started to produce a lot of veggies and I’m cooking many new meals….