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Spinach Lentil Quinoa Cakes with Radish Chives Cream

Few weeks back I made Cauliflower Asparagus Semolina Cakes and since we both, you and I,(thank you for your emails) really enjoyed them I decided to try something similar but this time with spinach. As I was getting  semolina I came across lentils,they nearly fell out of the cabinet, it is so packed with stuff, which reminds me I need to re-organize!

Chives on the porch came up already so I used fresh herbs today.

Not only you can eat these cakes/ patties with a  salad but try tomato soup. Totally delicious.
 What kind of cakes do you think I should make next? Any suggestions? email me at [email protected]

Spinach Lentil Quinoa Cakes

1/2cup dry quinoa + 1 cup water + 1/4 tsp  olive oil, pinch kosher salt and pepper

3/4cup lentils + 2 cups water + 1 bay leaf
1 large red onion, diced
3 garlic cloves, diced
4 cups fresh spinach(you could also use little more)
splash of fresh lemon juice(about 1tbl)
1cup water + 3/4 cup low fat milk +1tsp olive oil, 1/8 tsp kosher salt, pinch of pepper
2/3 cup semolina
2tbl fresh chives
kosher salt
black pepper
1whole egg
2egg whites
1tbl water
1 1/4 cup fine plain breadcrumbs(I use plain French baquette to make breadcrumbs all you can use also try using whole grain rolls)
1/3 cup sliced almonds, roughly chopped
1/2cup oats
  • Wash quinoa, add 1 cup water, pinch of kosher salt, pepper and 1/4 tsp olive oil. Bring to boil. Cover and cook until tender, about 20 minutes or so. Remove from heat and set aside.
  • Wash lentils, add about 2 cups water, add bay leaf, bring water to boil, reduce heat to simmer and cook uncovered until tender, about 20-30 minutes. Add water if needed, just so the lentils are covered. Cook until tender but not falling apart. Once cooked, drain any remaining water(if there is any), remove bay leaf and stir in pinch of salt and pepper.Set aside.
  • Saute chopped onion with 1tbl olive oil, until golden brown. Add spinach at once, season with diced garlic, 1/2 tsp kosher salt, pepper. Add lemon juice. Saute until reduced in volume and cooked down. Stir in seasoned lentils.
  • In a sauce pan, heat milk and water, season with 1 tsp olive oil, 1/8 tsp  kosher salt and pinch of pepper. Bring to boil. Reduce heat and stir in semolina, stirring constantly, cook on low heat for 5 minutes. Add chives, and stir again. Remove from heat and let cool slightly.
  • Add whole egg into the cooled semolina, add quinoa and then stir in lentil spinach mixture. Stire well.
  • Taste and season if needed.
  • Spread mixture into a square pan, into about 1inch thick, cover and chill overnight.
  • Cut into squares.
  • Whisk together egg whites and water, set aside. Combine together breadcrumbs, add oats and almonds.
  • Dip each cake into the egg white, then coat it with breadcrumbs mixture. Set aside.
  • In a skillet heat about 1/4 cup olive oil, add cakes, cook on medium heat, for about 6 minutes each side. Use spatulas to flip cakes over.
  • Once cooked, they should be golden brown, place them onto a tray/pan lined with paper towel to drain.
  • Repeat with remaining cakes.
  • These can be made ahead of time and reheated in the oven at 350F for 15 minutes.
  • After I made these I tried  them  with tomato soup/tomato sauce they were delicious.

  • I find they go well with a citrus salad or anything that has some acidity, like tomato soup or you can also try my Radish Chives Cream. Recipe is below.

Radish Chives Cream
1 cup low far sour cream or Greek Yogurt
1/2cup radishes, chopped
2tbl chopped chives
1tsp honey
1tsp lemon juice
1/4cup parmesan cheese
salt, about 1/4 tsp

  • Stir all ingredients together, taste and season with pepper and salt. Enjoy.

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