
Piped Quilted Baptism Cake

This cake gave a me a bit of a headache as I don’t have a diamond shape cutter nor I have a diamond shape, quilting impression mat. I guess one could say I did it the hard way. Measuring, marking, preparing the piping guide.(I’ve never seen anyone do it this way so hopefully this is how it is done).
Piping on the sides of  the cake seems so easy when you watch somebody else do it. But on the contrary is is pretty difficult and I struggled along the way. I used Swiss Buttercream to pipe the quilted pattern onto the cake. Though smooth, it wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be. I noticed  piping  the lines from top to bottom was a bit easier than from bottom to the top.
At the end I was pretty happy how it came together. I’m really into repetitive patterns these days and I really like these 2 colors together as well.

Blank canvas

Marking the cake, preparing for the quilted pattern.

Using a toothpick I draw lines directly on the cake, creating a piping guide for the quilted pattern.

Piping. Quilted pattern in process.

I  found out that direction of piping was important, too, starting  from  the top to bottom was easier.

Adding lots of little dots.

To make the decorative plague I use fondant, cookie cutter and Wood Grain Food Grade Silicone Mat from Chinese Clay Art.

Topper  is made from edible sugar cookie dough. I inserted cookies stick into the cookie and once the cake was finished I simply inserted cookie into the cake.

Finished Baptism Cake

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