Meringue Chevron Cake with Creamy Filling and Fresh Raspberries
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Meringue Chevron Cake with Creamy Filling and Fresh Raspberries

Do you like meringue desserts? (Yes, I DO) How about chevron pattern?(I love it.) Let’s make this dessert. Meringue Layers 6egg whites 1 1/2 tbl corn starch 1 1/2 cup granulated sugar 1tsp vanilla extract 1tsp vinegar ( or 1/2 tsp cream of tartar- these both are stabilizing agents so you can use either of…

Fish Cake

Fish Cake

  I went  fishing  only couple of times. My first time fishing I caught some kind of a fish (maybe 1/2 pound fish, so mall you could barely see it).  I was so excited. One would think I caught a 50 pounder. I screamed, yelled and I jumped around as if my feet were on fire. I get excited, very excited, I laugh, I dance, I…

Mustache Cookies

Mustache Cookies

I made  these for a Mustache inspired Birthday Party. I didn’t have any mustache cutters, I know they are available but I kind of ran out of time and so I made cookie cutter templates instead. Also  I made several piping guide templates. I wanted to create different mustache shapes and templates worked great. You…