Ultimate Guide To Royal Icing Consistency [Video]
In my Ultimate Guide to Royal Icing Consistency I show you how to thin royal icing. How to effectively use different consistencies for different cookie decorating projects. Let’s decorate.
In my Ultimate Guide to Royal Icing Consistency I show you how to thin royal icing. How to effectively use different consistencies for different cookie decorating projects. Let’s decorate.
I always feel like a little kid when I see the rainbow. There is something magical about rainbows. I feel like time cease to exist when rainbow is up in the sky. I stop doing whatever it is that I’m doing, and I yell out : ” Look, look, rainbow!”; as if I had never…
I made a really cute Rilakkuma Bear Cake! Don’t worry you don’t need to turn on your oven, this is a no bake cake. It’s is made entirely out of rice krispies cereal and I also used some chocolate, marshmallows and fondant for decorations. It is super easy to make and really yummy too. My…
Looking for a last minute Valentine’s day Dessert? How about these adorable Whoopie Pies. DOUBLE CHOCOLATE WHOOPIE PIES (appr. 18 whoopie pies if using whoopie pie pan, depends on the size) 2cups all purpose flour 1/2 cup cocoa powder 1/2tsp salt 1 1/4 tsp baking soda 1/2 cup dark chocolate chips, melted cooled to…
I wasn’t a huge fan of cupcake cookies cutters until I found this one. It’s a perfect size. It fits for variety of projects. Today I used it to make Mr. Peabody and next week I’ll show you how I made the Sherman. Both done using this cutter. To make Mr. Peabody Cookies you need: Ann ClarkCupcake Cookie…