Pretty Table Setting Cookies For Easter
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Pretty Table Setting Cookies For Easter

How about decorating your Easter table with some edible goodies. To make Table Setting Cookie for Easter Easter Egg Cookie Cutter Edible Markers by Americolors  or a  pin Sugar Cookies Royal Icing Recipe How To Thin Royal Icing Professional Needle Tool or toothpick Americolor Gel Food Colorings White Sanding Sugar Paint Brush (widest from the…

Angry Birds Easter Eggs Cookies
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Angry Birds Easter Eggs Cookies

  5th  and last day of Easter Tutorials is here. I hope you enjoyed all the Easter Videos this week. Which one was your favorite and why? I’d love to know.  If you are just joining us, make sure to check our previous posts from Easter Collaboration Project. Day 1 – Pretty Easter Cake decorated with…

3D Easter Carrot Car Cookie
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3D Easter Carrot Car Cookie

4th day of Easter Tutorials is here. I hope you are having fun watching all the Easter Videos.  Make sure to check all the tutorials  from Easter Collaboration Project: Day 1 – Pretty Easter Cake decorated with Buttercream Day 2 – Cute Easter Bunny Cookies with Carrot Ears Day 3 – Easter Chicks Coloring Pages Cookies Day 4…

Easter Cake Decorated with Buttercream Carrots and Pretty Bunny Cookie Topper
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Easter Cake Decorated with Buttercream Carrots and Pretty Bunny Cookie Topper

Easter is approaching fast, hopefully that will be the case with warmer weather, too. I can’t wait for Spring. To get you in the mood for Spring and Easter I teamed with Marlyn, from Montreal Confections and this week.  We will be sharing fun Easter ideas for 5 days straight. I will be posting  each tutorial…